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Epi Info is a series of freely distributable programs for use by public health professionals in conducting outbreak investigations, managing databases for public health surveillance and other tasks, and general database and statistics...full software details


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Go to: CoHort Software | CoStat Thank you for choosing to try CoStat. (This is version 6.451.)

Installation Notes:

  • Technical Support Is Free before and after you buy a license. If you can't figure something out or don't like something, please don't give up. Contact technical support. Maybe we can help.
  • Slightly Crippled - Unless you buy a license and use Help : Register to register this program, this trial version of CoStat will cover up one line of data on the screen with 'CoStat (not registered)' and will suppress printing crucial statistics (it prints 'not registered' instead). The line of data in the spreadsheet covered up by the red letters is still accessible (move the cursor to one of the cells and look in the data entry field above the spreadsheet). Otherwise, this is the complete version of CoStat. We are sorry about the crippling. We felt we had to do something to encourage people to buy a license and not just use the free trial versions forever. CoHort Software is a small company of people trying to make a living writing, selling, and supporting this software. If you like CoStat, please buy a license.

Install CoStat:
For all operating system (Windows, Macs, and Linux)

  1. If your computer doesn't already have Java version 8,
    download and install Java version 8 by going to https://www.java.com and clicking on Free Java Download.
    You only need the Java JRE, which is what that website will give you.
    You don't need the Java JDK, which is available elsewhere and usually just for software developers.

    Or, download and install OpenJDK 8 (LTS) Hotspot from https://adoptopenjdk.net/

  2. Download costat6451.zip (5,691,696 bytes).
    (Trouble downloading? Try this mirror site.)
  3. For Windows or Linux, use a Zip program to unzip costat6451.zip into some directory,
    perhaps a new /programs directory on Windows (but not Program Files or Program Files (x86))
    or /usr/local/bin on Linux.
    Unzipping the .zip file will make a cohort6 directory which has all the files.

    On Macs, the .zip file will already be unzipped and will appear as a cohort6 folder in your Downloads folder.
    In Finder, drag the cohort6 folder to your Applications folder.

  4. For Linux, you need to make the script files exectuable. For example,
    cd cohort6
    chmod +x costat.sh
    chmod +x cotext.sh

  5. To run the program,
    • For Windows, double click on the coplot.bat, costat.bat, or cotext.bat script files in the cohort6 directory.
      .bat may not appear, but Windows batch file will appear in the Type column or if you hover over the name.
      If Windows says it is an untrusted application, click More info : Run Anyway.
    • For Macs, this is an untrusted app (we're working on that), so you need to Control click on the costat or cotext Application files or the costat.command or cotext.command files in the cohort6 directory and select Open.
    • For Linux, double click on the costat.sh or cotext.sh script files in the cohort6 directory.
If you have problems installing or running the program, see the suggestions below.

Common Download Problems

  • If your browser changes the file's name before saving it, change the name back to the name specified above.
  • If the download freezes at 99% for more than a minute, try cancelling it and starting the download again. Usually, it will go super fast the second time and get to 100%. If that doesn't work, try downloading with a different browser (if you have one) or on a different computer. If that doesn't work, please send an email to CoHortSoftware at gmail.com.

Common Problems with Installing and Running CoStat from the Command Line

When you double click on the costat.bat or costat.sh file, a window opens up, a bunch of text is written, then the window closes (without opening CoStat).
You're going to need to edit the costat.bat or costat.sh file to solve the problem. But first, to see what the problem is:
  1. Open a command line window.
  2. cd to the cohort6 directory
  3. Type: costat.bat or costat.sh
Then the error message should remain visible. Then you can work to solve the problem by reading the other suggestions below.
Windows, Macs, or Linux says something like: 'Bad command or file name: java' right after the script file tries to run java.
The Java program isn't being found. Make sure Java is installed and accessible by typing Epi info 7 for macjava -version from a command line. It should answer with the version number. If not, fix the Java installation.

If Java is installed but not accessible via references to 'java', edit the script to include the name of the directory where the java program file is located.

There are text buttons, not graphics icon buttons, on the toolbar just below the menu titles.
Make sure that the icon's .gif files are indeed in the cohort6 directory: for example, check to see that OpenButton.gif is present. If it isn't, try to find out where it is (on Macs and Linux, use 'find / -name 'OpenButton.gif'') as that may help you determine what went wrong with your installation.
Problems running CoStat from a shortcut file or a desktop icon?
Make sure the shortcut points to the correct script file in the cohort6 directory. Also, make sure that the shortcut file makes the cohort6 directory the current directory before it runs the costat script.
You want to associate .dt files with costat.bat?
  1. Right click on a .dt file.
  2. Click on 'Open with'
  3. Click on 'More apps'
  4. Click on 'Look for another app on this PC' at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Navigate through the directories to find and then click on costat.bat.

What Is in the 'costat' Script/Batch Files?

Few people will need to know these details. But here they are:

Usually, the files have just one command in them. Using the Windows batch file for CoStat as an example:
java -Xmx1300m -cp .;cohort.jar com.cohort.CoStat %1 %2 %3 %4
The syntax is slightly different in the Macs/Linux shell scripts. The components are:

runs the program via the java program. If Java isn't found when you run the script file, make sure Java is correctly installed. In some circumstances, you need to add the full directory name before 'java'.
specifies 1300 MB as the maximum amount of memory to be allocated to the program. 1300 MB is the most you can safely allocate on computers with 32-bit operating systems or 32-bit Java.

If you get an 'out of memory' error message in a CoHort program, it is more likely that something other than memory is the problem. See Memory in the CoStat manual.

However, if you are working with huge data files and want to increase the memory allocation on 64-bit operating systems with 64-bit Java, just change the number: e.g., -Xmx3000m . The highest you should set this to is about 3/4 of the amount of physical memory in your computer. Specifying more than that leads to disk thrashing.

Epi Info 6 Download Mac Free

-cp .;cohort.jar
sets the Java classpath, which tells Java where to look for the Java class files. The cohort.jar file is a compressed file which contains all of the class files from CoHort Software. All of the other files which are distributed with CoStat (for example, .aov files) should be in the same directory as cohort.jar. In the Macs and Linux script files, the path separator is ':', not ';'.
the name of the Java class to be run. This is 'com.cohort.CoText' or something else in the other script files. This is case sensitive in all operating systems.
%1 %2 %3 ... (or similar)
passes the parameters on the command line (e.g., a document name) to the program.

Optional Document Name on the Command Line

For CoStat, the extension of the datafile name on the command line tells CoStat what type of data file it is, so that CoStat can import the data. If the datafile name doesn't have an extension, .dt will be added. Supported file types (and the necessary extensions) are: ASCII (.asc), Comma separated value ASCII (.csv), columnar ASCII (.col), CoStat (DOS .dt and Java .dt), dBASE (.dbf), Epi-Info (.rec), Excel (.xls), Gauss (.fmt), Genstat (.gsh), HTM (.htm), HTML (.html), Instat (.wor), Lotus 1-2-3 (.wk3), MatLab (.mat), Microstat II (.mii), Minitab (.mtw), MSTAT (.dat), Paradox (.db), Quattro (.wq1), Quattro Pro for Windows (.qpw), Rich Text Format (Word, .rtf), S+ (.sdd), SAS PC (.tpt), Space separated ASCII text (.txt), SPSS/Win (.sav), Stata (.dta), Statistica (.sta), Systat (.syd), Tab separated ASCII text (.tab).

For example, 'costat longley.dbf' will run CoStat and import data from the Longley dBASE file. See File : Open in the CoStat manual for details.

Common Problems Running CoStat

  • On some high-resolution screens, the icons in CoStat appear very small. There are two solutions:
    1. Check Screen : Text-Only Buttons.
    2. Or, download Buttons2.zip (which are 2 times as big) or Buttons4.zip (which are 4 times as big) and unzip the contents into the cohort6 directory, thereby replacing the existing button image files. When you restart CoStat, you will see the larger button images.

      Or, if you want to revert to the original buttons, download and unzip Buttons1.zip.

Previous Versions

Although we don't officially support them or recommend using them, here are older versions of CoStat:

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Problems, Comments, Questions, or Suggestions?

Epi Info 6 Download Mac Version

We want your experience with CoStat to be a good one. If you have problems, comments, questions, or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact technical support.